School History
Hosea Elementary School
The original structure was built in 1901 on the corner of Hyde Park and Park. Park was later changed to Gordon Avenue. Hosea School was named in honor of Isaac T. Hosea, a member of the board of education for two terms. A very popular man, Mr. Hosea was serving his second term on the board when he died on August 21, 1901. This brick structure contained four rooms. The land was purchased for $1,000 and the structure was built for $12,700. By 1908, four more rooms had been added.
In 1954, a large acreage was purchased just south of the intersection of Valley and Gordon Streets and Hosea Elementary was built. Pickett School was destroyed by fire just one month after the new Hosea was occupied and the old Hosea was used by the Pickett children until their school was rebuilt. An annex was added to the southwest corner of Hosea in 1961.